Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Phytonix Corporation Developing Innovative Bio-Fuel Technology


Phytonix Corporation now holds licenses for developing one the most innovative biofuel technology. Phytonix has patents pending worldwide for the process technologies. The company has been conducting research in the field of green fuels to replace hydrocarbon based fossil fuels. It also has partnered with a top European University laboratory to create the biosafe bacteria that will produce this fuel.

The fuel which will replace gasoline in automobiles in biobutanol and is obtained from a special type of photosynthetic bacteria and can be produced without having to undergo the costly separation of fuel from biomass as most biofuels do. The new technology will not need arable land or food crops, which has been the case with normal bio-fuels. Gasoline powered automobiles could be run on this revolutionary bio-fuel with little or no modifications to the engines.

Bruce Dannenberg, Founder and CEO of Phytonix, states, “These bacteria will act as tiny micro-refineries, using photosynthesis to make biobutanol. Biobutanol is the most promising biofuel for use as a “drop-in” gasoline replacement in spark ignition engines.” Mr. Dannenberg continues, “This is truly a direct solar, carbon-based, liquid transportation fuel. It utilizes carbon dioxide as the “feedstock” and solar energy and water to photosynthetically produce biofuels.”

Phytonix expects that its bacteria could produce upwards of 20,000 gallons per acre. By comparison, the current U.S. corn ethanol yield per acre is about 400 gallons.

The bacteria that Phytonix and its partner will develop are expected to yield about five times that amount of biofuel and will simply secrete the fuel.
“The objective here,” stated Dannenberg, “is to rapidly commercialize our proprietary, safe, and ethical photobiological biofuels production technology in order to move the global economic system forward in the transition from a petrochemical and fossil fuels-based economy to a biochemical and living fuels-based economy.”


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