Direct Taxes Code (DTC) to be finalized for enactment during 2011-12. DTC proposed to be effective from April 1, 2012.
Rs. 40,000 crore to be raised through disinvestment in 2011-12.
Rs. 6,000 crore to be provided during 2011-12 to enable public sector banks to maintain a minimum of Tier I CRAR of 8 per cent.
“India Microfinance Equity Fund” of Rs. 100 crore to be created with SIDBI.
Existing housing loan limit enhanced to Rs. 25 lakh for dwelling units under priority sector lending.
Provision under Rural Housing Fund enhanced to Rs. 3,000 crore
Credit flow for farmers raised from Rs. 3,75,000 crore to Rs. 4,75,000 crore in
Rs. 10,000 crore to be contributed to NABARD’s Short-term Rural Credit fund for 2011-12.
Allocation of Rs. 2,14,000 crore for infrastructure in 2011-12. This is an increase of 23.3 per cent over 2010-11.
To boost infrastructure development, tax free bonds of Rs. 30,000 crore proposed to be issued by Government undertakings during 2011-12.
Proposal to introduce scheme for refund of taxes paid on services used for export of goods.
Five fold strategy to be put into operation to deal with the problem of generation and circulation of black money.
Allocation for social sector in 2011-12 (Rs. 1,60,887 crore) increased by 17 per cent over current year. It amounts to 36.4 per cent of total plan allocation.
Allocation for Bharat Nirman programme proposed to be increased by Rs.10,000 crore from the current year to Rs. 58,000 crore in 2011-12.
Plan to provide Rural Broadband Connectivity to all 2,50,000 Panchayats in the country in three years.
Allocation for education increased by 24 per cent over current year.
Rs. 21,000 crore allocated for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, which is 40 per cent higher than Budget for 2010-11.
Through National Knowledge Network, connectivity to all 1,500 institutions of Higher Learning and Research through optical fiber backbone to be providedby March, 2012.
Plan allocations for health stepped-up by 20 per cent.
Target of providing banking facilities to all 73,000 habitations having a population of over 2,000 to be completed during 2011-2012.
Rs. 8,000 crore provided in current year for development needs of Jammu and
Provision of Rs. 1,64,415 crore, including Rs. 69,199 crore for capital expenditure to be made for Defence Services in 2011-12.
From 1st October, 2011 ten lakh Aadhaar (UID Scheme) numbers will be generated per day.
Provision of web based facility for tax payers to track the resolution of refunds and credit for pre-paid taxes and augmentation of processing capacity.
A new simplified form ‘Sugam’ to be introduced to reduce the compliance burden of small tax payers falling within presumptive taxation.
Tax Proposals
Exemption limit for the general category of individual taxpayers enhanced from Rs. 1,60,000 to Rs. 1,80,000 giving uniform tax relief of Rs. 2,000.
Exemption limit enhanced and qualifying age reduced for senior citizens.
Higher exemption limit for Very Senior Citizens, who are 80 years or above.
Current surcharge of 7.5 per cent on domestic companies proposed to be reduced to 5 per cent.
Rate of Minimum Alternative Tax proposed to be increased from 18 per cent to 18.5 per cent of book profits.
Tax incentives extended to attract foreign funds for financing of infrastructure.
Additional deduction of Rs. 20,000 for investment in long-term infrastructure bonds proposed to be extended for one more year.
Lower rate of 15 per cent tax on dividends received by an Indian company from its foreign subsidiary.
System of collection of information from foreign tax jurisdictions to be
A net revenue loss of Rs. 11,500 crore estimated as a result of proposals.
Central Excise Duty to be maintained at standard rate of 10 per cent.
Lower rate of Central Excise Duty enhanced from 4 per cent to 5 per cent.
Concessional Excise Duty of 10 per cent to vehicles based on Fuel cell technology
Basic Customs Duty on solar lantern reduced from 10 to 5 per cent.
Standard rate of Service Tax retained at 10 per cent, while seeking a closer fit between present regime and its GST successor.
Hotel accommodation in excess of Rs. 1,000 per day and service provided by air conditioned restaurants that have license to serve liquor added as new services for levying Service Tax.
Tax on all services provided by hospitals with 25 or more beds with facility of central air conditioning.
Service Tax on air travel both domestic and international raised.
All individual and sole proprietor tax payers with a turn over upto Rs. 60 lakh freed from the formalities of audit.
Proposals relating to Service Tax estimated to result in net revenue gain of
Rs. 4,000 crore.
Rs. 4,000 crore.
Proposals relating to Direct Taxes estimated to result in a revenue loss of
Rs. 11,500 crore and those related to Indirect Taxes estimated to result in net revenue gain of Rs. 11,300 crore
Rs. 11,500 crore and those related to Indirect Taxes estimated to result in net revenue gain of Rs. 11,300 crore
Union Budget Estimates
Gross Tax receipts are estimated at Rs. 9,32,440 crore.
Non-tax revenue receipts estimated at Rs. 1,25,435 crore.
Total expenditure proposed at Rs. 12,57,729 crore.
Increase of 18.3 per cent in total Plan allocation.
Increase of 10.9 per cent in the Non-plan expenditure.
Increase of 23 per cent in Plan and Non-plan transfer to States and UTs.
Fiscal Deficit brought down from 5.5 per cent in BE 2010-11 to 5.1 per cent of
GDP in RE 2010-11.
GDP in RE 2010-11.
Fiscal Deficit kept at 4.6 per cent of GDP for 2011-12.
Fiscal Deficit to be progressively reduced to 3.5 per cent by 2013-14.
“Effective Revenue Deficit” estimated at 2.3 per cent of GDP in the Revised
Estimates for 2010-11 and 1.8 per cent for 2011-12.
Estimates for 2010-11 and 1.8 per cent for 2011-12.
Central Government debt estimated at 44.2 per cent of GDP for 2011-12 as against 52.5 per cent recommended by the 13th Finance Commission.’
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