Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quickest Way To Get Awesome Profile Picture For The New Facebook

Have you got the new Facebook? You know, where the profile looks a bit different, with the wall, info tabs on the left, and brief profile info at the top…have that? Well, if you do, then you’d know that just about everyone’s trying to hack their profile pictures so that it stretches into those grids in the middle of the page.

Here’s an example – the following is the profile of Alexandre Oudin, who, I think, was the first person to try out this innovative layout.

facebook profile hack 1

Getting your profile picture to display in the above manner isn’t that straight-forward…not until you use this nifty tool called Pic Scatter. Pic Scatter makes it extremely easy to arrange your photo in a manner that it displays the way you want on your Facebook profile.

pic scatter - new facebook profile picture hack 1

As you see in the above screenshot, the homepage of the site is clean and simple. Just click on create a profile picture and upload your photo. It’ll suggest that you upload a photo that’s more than 700X540 in dimensions for best results.

The photo would show up in an interface that’s a replica of Facebook’s new profile design. You can drag it to adjust, use the fit to screen button to reduce or increase the size and also adjust according to the lines of info-text you might have above it on the actual profile. It’s all really simple and easy.

And after you are done, you could publish it directly to Facebook. It would ask for the permission to post on your profile, and once you approve, you should be all set!

pic scatter - new facebook profile picture hack 2

Now, I am yet to get the new Facebook profile so I couldn’t post the above picture and check if it works well in the end. But it certainly appears that it should, so why don’t those of you, who have the new Facebook, try this out and let me know. I’ll wait for your comments.


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